There are a few pieces of financial advice that every person should strive to follow: save your money whenever possible, pay down large sums of debt, and (perhaps most importantly) keep your credit score high. In today’s economy, credit is a critical element of financial health. You need it in order to secure loans for anything from buying a car or home to even starting your own business. But how exactly does a person with no credit build credit?
Get on With the Important Things in Life
All good credit scores have to start somewhere — and one of those places is right here at RC Willey. Whether you are just starting out in your financial journey or are looking to increase your current score even more, our payment plans offer a variety of great options that are suitable for any budget. With an RC Willey Payment Plan, you’ll have all the benefits of low interest rates, low monthly payments, and optional Credit Protection Insurance. Plus, with our Online Bill Pay and the option of paperless statements, you can be confident in having 24-hour access to your secure account at all times.
The Benefits of Your RC Willey Payment Plan
There are three types of payment plans you can join at RC Willey, each with their own unique set of benefits.
The Premier Payment Plan is a perfect way for you to build credit on your own terms. With no hidden fees or prepayment penalties, you can control when and how you pay for your purchase. This payment plan also comes with low minimum monthly payments and a simple fixed interest rate of 9% APR, so you’ll always know exactly how much you’re paying each month.
The 0% interest payment plan is exactly what it sounds like. No down payment is necessary upon sign up, and you will have monthly minimum payments for either a 12 or 18-month financing period. However, if you pay more than the minimum, you could pay off the entire balance by the end of the finance period WITHOUT having to pay any interest. If you’re looking for a simple, low-risk solution to building credit, this is the right plan for you. |
If you are new to financing and either have low credit or no credit at all, you may qualify for RC Willey’s Bright Start Payment Plan. This plan comes with a credit line of up to $500 and is the perfect way to put you on the right path to building (or rebuilding) your credit. Plus, as you continue to make payments on time, you will eventually be able to upgrade to one of our Premier Plan or 0% Interest Plans. Think of it as a gateway to a healthier financial future.
Apply Today and See Which Payment Plan is Right for You
Through signing up with one of these payment plans, you will have a more flexible and financially beneficial way of making purchases at RC Willey. But on top of that, you can also use your payment plan with our many participating merchants! Contact us today to see which merchants and locations could be available to you.
Ready to start raising that credit score? Apply today and see which RC Willey Payment Plan is right for you.