How to Make Faux Plants Look Real
As much as I would love to say that I have beautiful, live, thriving plants in every room of my home....... I can't, because it would be a big lie. I mean, it's a lot of work for me to keep four children alive, let alone greenery! I can handle a couple of low maintenance plants, but taking on any more would be a bit too abitious for me at this point in my life. I love the look and feel of greenery and plants in a home though, and so recently I've started embracing mixing faux trees and plants in with the real ones. It turns out, there acutually some great and realistic looking faux plants out there! Here are three ways to fool your visitors into thinking your faux plants are real......
1. Be selective
When purchasing faux plants, make sure you do so with a discerning eye, because not all faux plants and trees are created equally! Plastic is usually more realistic looking than silk these days. The goal is to find something that looks natural (stay away from super glossy, fake dew on the branches, etc). Compare faux greenery with photos of the real thing when shopping for additional help.
2. "Plant" it in a natural setting
Doing little things when it comes to display will go a long way in helping your plant look real. For starters, take it out of the pot that it came in, and pop it in a beautiful, expensive looking pot or basket. Then, cover the whole thing with real soil or garden rocks. If it looks like it's sprouting from real dirt, people will probably assume it's a living plant! Also, cutting and bending stems to varying lengths is always a good idea.
3. Place it in a sunny spot in your home
Try to think realistically here. If you don't want people to know your plant is fake, dont' put it in a dark bathroom or corner of the house that never sees sunlight! Place faux plants where live plants would actually thrive in your home. Also, make sure you keep it clean! Faux plants love collecting dust, so be vigilent about using a feather duster every couple of weeks or so.