Mindful Eating
After a holiday season of gluttony, it’s time to start eating healthy again. I’ve often found it difficult to follow through on diets, calorie counting, and vague ideas of what healthy eating is. If I cheat once, I’m done for the day and those cinnamon rolls better watch out. Rather than focusing on what I can’t have, I’ve been making an effort to simply be more mindful of what I’m eating.
Being a mindful eater means being aware of your portion size, eating slowly, and knowing what is in the food on your plate. Minimizing distractions, such a watching TV or reading while eating, helps you to focus on what you’re eating and notice when you’re full.
When I started making an effort to be more mindful of what I was eating, I was shocked to realize how often I snack throughout the day because of boredom. I found myself eating crackers out of the box while standing in front of the cupboard too many times to count. My goal this year is to avoid eating snacks unless I’m sitting at the kitchen table. Hopefully if I start small and simply become more aware of what I’m eating, I’ll be on the right track to a healthier life. What are some of your health goals for 2017?