Analogous Color Schemes
Analogous color schemes sound more complicated than they actually are. Look at the color wheel, pick three colors next to each other, and there you have it! Using analogous colors in your interior design creates a harmonious room with enough contrast in color to keep things interesting.
The first step when deciding to use this color scheme is to pick the main color you will be using. Then, looking at the color wheel, choose two or three colors that sit next to your main color that you would like to incorporate into your design. It’s as simple as that! Scroll through below to see some examples of how you could incorporate analogous color schemes into your home.
Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange
via Home DIT
Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green
via Frenchy Fancy
Green, Blue-Green, Blue
Blue, Blue-Violet, Violet
Violet, Red-Violet, Red
Remember that you can use shades of the actual colors, so if the idea of using bold colors intimidates you, think of using pastels or small doses of the colors.
What do you think? Would you use analogous color schemes in your home?