Starting a Garden

Starting a Garden

Posted by Alyssa on March 4, 2017

starting a garden

Now is the time to start thinking of starting a garden. Like I’ve said before, the yard of our house is a mess. The backyard especially needs a lot of work. The previous owners of our home used it as a dog run, so we’re starting from scratch. I’ve been mapping out how I want it landscaped, and have found the perfect sunny spot for a garden bed. Having never created a garden bed from scratch before, I’ve been researching what to do and thought I’d share what I’ve learned! 

First, decide where you want your garden bed and mark off the area. Remove any plants, weeds, or grass that is already existing.

digging soil

via Rodale's Organic Life

Next, dig and turn over the soil. Plants struggle to grow in compacted soil, so it’s important to loosen it up. Any rocks or debris you uncover as you turn over the soil needs to be removed.

After you’ve turned over the soil, create an edge to separate your garden bed and the area around it. This will not only keep the soil from your garden from spilling over but will also keep grass out. You can do this by digging a deep ditch or using pavers as a border.

garden soil

via HGTV

Add compost to create healthy soil and turn it over with your shovel to combine with the existing dirt. Your soil should be crumbly, not clumpy.

Finally, level the soil with a rake and avoid stepping on the finished bed.

I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be able to grow my own vegetables soon! Maybe when I feel a little more confident I could get a greenhouse. How cool would that be? If you’re a seasoned gardener, any advice would be appreciated. I’m excited to get started!

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