The Secret to Quick Strawberry Jam

The Secret to Quick Strawberry Jam

Posted by Andie on September 13, 2017



I don't care who you are.  If you don't agree with the statement "Homemade jam is a billion times tastier than store bought jam" there is no way we'd ever be friends.  There really is no comparison!  If you haven't tried your hand at making your own, you need to ASAP.  While it might sound intimidating, making homemade freezer jam is SO simple.  

And it just got even simpler for me!

I posted a blog detailing how to make raspberry freezer jam a few years ago, and just when I thought it couldn't get easier, it did!  I've helped my mom make freezer jam every August/September for as long as I can remember. Now that I live on the east coast and my mom lives on the west coast, my husband has started taking her place when we have our jam making jamboree!  He's really good at finding shortcuts and if there is an easier way to solve a problem, he always figures it out.  

For years we've made jam by hand mashing the berries (this can be a long and tedious process, depending on the quantities of jam you are trying to produce), but now I can kiss that method goodbye.  The secret my husband discovered to QUICK and delicious strawberry jam is this:


I can't believe I never thought of it myself.  Cut the strawberries up, throw them in the blender,  and blend them up until you achieve your desired texture.  Mix sugar, water and sure jell on the stove, bring to a boil.  Then add sugar mixture your blended up strawberries, pour in a jar, and VOILA.  



You're done.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Now, go make some!



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