RC Willey Employees Donate to Hurricane Victims

p After hurricane Harvey and Irma wrecked the southern United States nbsp the employees of RC Willey asked what nbsp we could do to help. nbsp The company decided to have two casual Fridays where employees could dress as they wished as long as they made a donation of their choice to the hurricane fund. Management got involved and offered a company match for whatever amount the employees raised and we are proud to say that we will be donating a total of 18 516 to charities who are helping the victims of Irma and Harvey. Our Harvey funds will be donated to the a href http www.houstonfoodbank.org target blank Houston Food Bank a a href https www.catholiccharities.org target blank Catholic Charities of Houston a and a href https www.samaritanspurse.org target blank Samaritan s Purse a . We are finalizing our Irma donations this week. p p I ve only worked nbsp at RC Willey a few years but it s become very obvious to me that the employees of RC Willey do their best to help our local communities and beyond nbsp thanks nbsp to the support and encouragement nbsp from the company. Plus each General Manager works in his or her local community to support charitable causes and we are starting to a href https www.rcwilley.com dp RC-Willey-Las-Vegas-Charitable-Donations-Henderson-Store.jsp target blank document those donations a on our individual store location pages. Tomorrow our Salt Lake City store will be hosting a blood drive which will benefit the victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas and our associates have already filled the available slots plus we have a waitlist in case there s nbsp extra time. If you d like to donate blood a href http m.redcrossblood.org donating-blood target blank please visit this link a and find a nbsp blood donation center near you. nbsp nbsp p p nbsp p