How Do Noise Cancelling Headphones Work?
If you can’t stand hearing ambient noises while listening to your music or podcasts, you need to invest in some noise cancelling headphones. It’s amazing that you can now block out sounds from airplanes or traffic so you can focus on what you’re listening to. But how do noise cancelling headphones work? Here at RC Willey, your source for all kinds of headphones, we have your answer!
How Do Noise Cancelling Headphones Work?
Noise cancelling headphones are built with electronics inside that are able to block ambient noises. Inside the ear cup there is a microphone that picks up the external sounds that need to be blocked. Electronics inside create a new sound wave that is 180° out of phase with the ambient noise. The new wave is able to cancel out the unwanted incoming sounds without affecting the audio you are listening to.
All of this is powered by a rechargeable battery and happens without you even realizing it. While noise cancelling headphones can’t cancel out all ambient noises, they are able to effectively block out 70% of unwanted sounds. That makes a huge difference! At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how noise cancelling headphones work - it’s just kind of nice knowing that they do.
Have you tried noise cancelling headphones? Can you tell a big difference?