Cleaning a Dishwasher
Did you know that you need to clean your dishwasher? Being completely honest, I had never really thought about it, but here is why you should be cleaning your dishwasher on a regular basis:
You are putting dishes with scraps of food, grease, and oil on them in your dishwasher and some of those scraps end up getting stuck in the filter. The food scraps will build up bacteria and can create a funny smell in your dishwasher, which is the last thing you want to smell when pulling out plates you’re about to eat on!
The inside of your dishwasher can start to be discolored from hard water over time. It can also start to smell funky, so it’s important to clean the inside, as well as the filter.
Good to know, huh? You can see instructions on how to clean a dishwasher here. If your dishwasher is beyond saving with a good clean, or you’re looking to swap it out for something more energy efficient check out all of RC Willey’s dishwasher options.
How often do you clean your dishwasher? I read somewhere you're supposed to do it every three months. If that's true, I'm really due for a cleaning!